ENG 252 New Media Blogposts

Buying into American Idol

A few shows I can think of that certainly have fan communities would be "So You Think You Can Dance" and "Dancing with the Stars." Both of these shows are similar to American Idol in that the fans decide ultimately who wins the competition.
So You Think You Can Dance is a competition where dancers can compete to win a variety of prizes and a role of dancing in some famous show. America gets to vote for the dancers they like just like American Idol. Having the ultimate say in who wins the competition gives fans a sense of importance. They get to decide instead of watching judges decide, essentially they are the judges. Fans vote by texting or calling, which is very easy and simple.
Another show very similar to these is Dancing with the Stars. This show also uses the concept of fans voting for the winner. Again people feel important and become loyal to the show because they are deciding the winner. They continue to watch the show because they want to see if who they voted for is still there.
Both of these shows have a wide fan base and have even won Grammys because of their popularity.
The whole concept of having a say in a national television show gives people a sense that their voice is being heard, that they are somebody. I feel that if fans didn’t have a say in these shows they probably wouldn't be as popular.

Wiki Building

I personally am not a huge wiki user but when I need fast, basic information I turn to wikis. To me they are pretty useful because they give you what you need to know without going to far in depth, which is extremely useful when you need the quick facts. I feel that having wiki's for schools is a good thought but if they actually did exist I feel as if it wouldn't be used for the right purposes. I think some students would abuse the purpose of them and post negative comments which could then be seen by new incoming students and could alerter their decisions. I feel that wiki's arent too numerous yet. There are a lot of different interests out there and its only natural to have a wiki for each in my opinion. I do somewhat agree that having a wiki for each character is a bit much and in those cases I feel like it is a overload. But having a wiki for the big picture of each topic is useful.

Marketing Via New Media

Personally, I feel that new media is probably the most effective way to advertise. I think this is so because people are constantly spending their time on something to do with new media. I don't think there is a better way then new media because honestly not a lot of people read newspapers anymore, and even though commericals are annoying that is where people learn about new products. Advertisers aren't really "invading" your space because most of the time the ads are on the side of a website so there technically not in your way. And even though they may bother you they get your attention. If people want to get their product out there then yes, new media is the best way to advertise. There are so many options to advertising with new media from websites to t.v. you certainly can get someone's attention. I can't even imagine what the future holds for advertising with new media as more technology develops I think marketing will too.

Networking Do's and Don'ts

I do agree with the do's and dont's. It is important to keep in mind that everyone can see what you post on the internet. If you don't want someone to see something then simply don't post it. Personally, I believe too much information is putting any personal information such as your address and phone number. Recently I was looking at some of my friends info on facebook and noticed that their phone numbers were on their profiles, they had no idea. Who knows what people can be capable of by having your phone number.
I find the fact that employers can now go through your information such as your facebook profile is a little scary. They are able to see who you talk to and what you like and posts you may have regret posting. I think that facebook is a personal thing that should not be viewed by employers because really it is not their business. However, they do have a right to know who they are hiring but I believe there are otehr ways to discover this information. I still think it is worth having a facebook profile for the simple fact to interact with others. With that said it is discomforting that facebook is "watching" your every move now. When I made a post the other day within minutes there were ads on the other side for things that related to my post. I believe that you can still express yourself throuhg media but you just have to be a little more reserve with what your putting out there. If your comfortable with what your saying on new media sites then you won't mind what people see.

New Media Blog

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